Hong Kong: The Last Free City on Earth
We'd all do well to occasionally remember what exactly we mean by the word "freedom".
I thought about that as I read through the Heritage Foundation's Freedom Index for 2007, a list which rates each of 161 countries in the world according to that country's level of economic freedom - that is, the level of control private citizens are given over their own earnings.
Now according to the Heritage Foundation's scale, the citizens of any country with less than a rating of 80% are not to be considered "free". Which is a fair enough suggestion, we Minor Thinkers will suggest; after all, who can really claim with pride, "I am master of 4/5's of my fate"? One might very forgivably consider the possession of 4/5's of freedom a good time to start planning a government overthrow.
Unfortunately, by that yardstick only seven countries in the world qualify as "free".
They are Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, the United States, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Ireland.
In the various separate categories of ratings ("Freedom from Govt.", "Monetary Freedom", "Investment Freedom", etc.), only Hong Kong is found completely acceptable, save in the field of "Freedom from Corruption" (the only field not directly tied to government policy); all other countries dip below the 80% level in one category or another and simply possess an average of at least 80%.
Hong Kong.
It's a single metropolis in a world of metropolises, and it's presently the only society on Earth wiithin which you are always more than 9/10ths your own master.
And back in 1997, I notice, Great Britain tossed it to China's Communists.
This entry was tagged. Civil Liberties Government Nanny State Prosperity