Minor Thoughts from me to you

links for 2006-07-31

Guardian Ministries: Dr. Jerry Vines' Article on Abstinence

Dr. Jerry Vines says "Physically, socially, domestically, influentially, and yes, biblically, total abstinence is the only way to go for a Christian who takes Bible separation seriously." He issues a call for repentence, to all who believe moderation is o

(tags: alcohol southernbaptist christianity abstinence)

Colossians Three Sixteen » How Does It Feel To Exclude Jesus From Your Denomination?

Pastor Brent Thomas criticizes the Biblical hermeneutics used by the SBC, in prohibiting alcohol use.

(tags: christianity southernbaptist alcohol abstinence)

The Thirsty Theologian: God Gave C2H6OPart 1: Introductory Comments

David Kjos starts an examination of the Biblical position on alcohol.

(tags: alcohol southernbaptist christianity abstinence)

The Thirsty Theologian: God Gave C2H6OPart 2: Sola Scriptura and the SBC

David Kjos conitnues his examination of the Biblical position on alcohol.

(tags: alcohol southernbaptist christianity abstinence)

The Thirsty Theologian: God Gave C2H6OPart 3: What Does Scripture Say?

David Kjos conitnues his examination of the Biblical position on alcohol -- this time, talking about what Scripture does say on the issue of alcohol.

(tags: alcohol southernbaptist christianity abstinence)

The Thirsty Theologian: God Gave C2H6OPart 4: Abstinence in Scripture

David Kjos conitnues his examination of the Biblical position on alcohol, this time looking at when complete abstinence is prescribed in Scripture.

(tags: alcohol southernbaptist christianity abstinence)

Biblical Womanhood Blog: Recapture the nobility of home

In our current culture, home has become so neglected that many people haven't the slightest idea what its purpose is outside of a place to sleep, relax, and sometimes eat. Home has lost its noble place in society so much so that people can't imagine what

(tags: family roles christianhome)

"I am a Stay-at-Home Wife"

"So, what do you do?" The question is posed relentlessly. In other words, "What label have you given yourself to prove to the rest of the world that you are not a drain on society?" ... Too many women jump to some rather unfortunate conclusions when

(tags: family roles christianhome)

Plenty to Do at Home

"What is there to do at home?" If you are a new homemaker, you might receive this question from all sides. This article might be worth printing and distributing to friends and relatives who have questions about the purpose of women staying home and taking

(tags: family roles christianhome)

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