The Libertarian Case for Mitt Romney →
Stephen Green makes the libertarian case for Romney.
Since the father of RomneyCare isn’t exactly an easy sell to libertarians, first we have to look at the man already sitting in the Oval Office. And it’s safe to say that unlike 2008, in 2012 there is absolutely zero Libertarian case to be made for Barack Obama.
... We don’t get to choose this year between “good” and “better’” — have we ever enjoyed that choice? But we do get a sharp distinction this year between “bad” and “worse.”
I’m going with “bad” because I’m not sure we’ll survive another term of the worst.
I think that about sums up my own position. I'm moderately hopeful that a President Romney would moderately decrease regulations. I'm positive that President Obama would not only not roll them back, he'd attempt to increase them.
This entry was tagged. Barack Obama Libertarian Mitt Romney President2012