Monday Morning Reading List, Part 2
Jesus Made in America. Did you know there's a Jesus action figure? And that American Christians are snapping it up, apparently oblivious to what this says about the depth of their faith? Intervarsity Press is publishing a book about the trivialization of Jesus, through commercial culture.
Beliefnet: Are Mormons Christian?. Dr. Albert Mohler and Orson Scott Card are debating whether or not Mormons are Christians. So far, both agree that they think the other side is completely wrong. That's actually refreshing to see. Both are arguing that they're side is the only true form of Christianity. It's truly encouraging to see two people agreeing that someone has to be wrong, rather than trying to pretend that everyone can be right.
Web Space Where Religion and Social Networking Meet - New York Times. Did you know that there's a Christian version of MySpace? Or that there's Muslim and Jewish versions? More evidence that many Christians seek to withdraw from culture (while imitating it!), rather than engaging it.
Texas Supreme Court Backs Pastor Over His Publicizing of Affair - New York Times. The Texas Supreme Court has upheld the concept of church discipline. This is a good precedent. Churches need to be free to discipline their members. If they can't, the entire concept of church membership and church discipline becomes meaningless.
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